A tool to take notes.
- It saves the notes in your own, automatically created, private Github repository
- Autosaves every 5 seconds by creating a commit in the repository
- Change history provided by Github
It features the same text editor as VS Code including:
- Automatic identation
- Syntax highlighting
- Multiple cursors
- Typescript validation
It's completely configurable for settings and shortcuts (CMD+,
- Installable from Chromium browsers both in Desktop and Mobile. This is required for some shortcuts to work
- Works offline for notes opened in the past
- First line of the file is the filename
- Folders are created by adding slash (
) to the filename - Change syntax highlighting by adding extension to the filename
- Sorted by creation date
- Star notes you want always at the top
To know more check out the README.md.
The name
Pensieve is the tool used by Dumbledore to dump his thoughts in Harry Potter books
I use the Pensieve. One simply siphons the excess thoughts from one's mind, pours them into the basin, and examines them at one's leisure. It becomes easier to spot patterns and links, you understand, when they are in this form